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Judith Viorst

Judith Viorst, born February 2, 1931), is an American author, newspaper journalist, and psychoanalysis researcher. She is perhaps best known[citation needed] for her children's literature, such as The Tenth Good Thing About Barney (about the death of a pet) and the Alexander series of short books.

In the latter part of the 1970s, after two decades of writing for children and adults, Viorst turned to the study of Freudian psychology. In 1981, and after six years of study at Washington Psychoanalytic Institute, she became a research graduate there.


I kdyby mi říkal, ať už nepiju, a já stejně nepřestala, a druhý den jsem nemohla vstát, tak mi jen uvařil kafe. Není to úžasný důkaz lásky?      |