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Bernard Williams

Bernard R. Williams III (born January 19, 1978) is an American athlete, winner of gold medal in 4x100 m relay at the 2000 Summer Olympics. His first name is pronounced with the emphasis on the second syllable (NARD).

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, Bernard Williams won the 100 m at the 1999 Pan-American Games.

In 2000, Williams won the NCAA Championships in 100 m as a University of Florida student and ran the second leg on the gold medal-winning American 4x100 m relay team at the Sydney Olympics.

At the 2001 World Championships, Williams finished third in 100 m to complete the Americans clean sweep of the event and ran the second leg on the American 4x100 m relay team, which won the gold medal. The team's gold medals were withdrawn when Tim Montgomery was discovered to have used steroids.

In 2003, Williams won the US National Championships in 100 m and was fifth in 100 m at the 2003 World Championships. He was also a member of gold medal-winning American relay team. He tested positive for cannabis and received a warning from the USADA in August 2004, but was still able to compete in the Olympics in accordance with IAAF rules.

At the 2004 Summer Olympics, Williams won the silver medal in 200 m, edging compatriot and 100 m champion Justin Gatlin in the final few metres. It was an American 1-2-3 as Shawn Crawford won the gold.

Bernard performs under the stage name "Hollywood" as a stand-up comic in the North Florida area when he is not training. He was noted for his comedy antics during the 2004 Olympics, including using the people's eyebrow.


Novinář: Víte, jakou trofej získává vítěz každé disciplíny v Ostravě?
Bernard: Šek?
Novinář: Nejenom. Trofejí je křišťálová tretra.
Bernard: A máte ji ve velikosti 10,5? Ale když letos vyhraji, to budu muset přijet příště, abych nebyl jako Popelka. Jenom s jednou botou.      |

Novinář: Bernarde, proč vám říkají "Hollywood Williams"?
Bernard: Protože jsem vždycky do Hollywoodu chtěl. A jednou tam půjdu! Až tohle všechno skončí.      |

Novinář: Vlastníte olympijské stříbro z běhu na 200 m, ale také zlaté olympijské medaile ze štafety v Sydney 2000. Zkuste porovnat individuální a štafetový úspěch...
Bernard: Radši mám individuální, víc mi za ně platí... A lepší je individuální stříbro než jedna čtvrtina zlata, to mi věřte.      |

Novinář: Takže si troufáte zaútočit na rekord mítinku 20,30 s?
Bernard: Kdo to běžel?
Novinář: Justin Gatlin.
Bernard: Když to zaběhl on, myslím, že bych to mohl zvládnout taky.      |

Nechci vám lhát, ale poběžím rychle. Velmi rychle.      |

The only thing it enhanced was my appetite.      |

At that point, it’s like ‘Wow, you mean to tell me the whole time I’ve been competing against these guys day and night they’ve been passing drug tests all day, but then I fail one for marijuana.      |